Private equity, venture capital and co-investments can be particularly speculative, illiquid, non-transparent and difficult to predict. Performance can be both positive and negative and investors are exposed to financial risks including the total loss of the capital invested.
The offer is aimed principally at semi-professional and professional investors who are aware of the risks associated with the respective investment and whose knowledge and experience are sufficient for this type of investment.
Private Equity and real estate
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We provide access to alternative investment strategies.
How about investing in something other than listed companies? Private equity and real estate as alternative investments can become additional building blocks in your asset allocation. They diversify your portfolio and offer attractive opportunities for returns if you are willing to take a high risk and make a long-term investment. With ODDO BHF, you will have access to both types of investment.
Private Equity
Alongside traditional assets such as bonds, equities, cash and gold, private equity has become an established component of the portfolios of professional investors who are willing to take risks and have an investment horizon of at least 10 years. Sizable portfolios managed by foundations or family offices have often invested successfully in private equity for many years. Adding this asset class enables further diversification. Particularly in difficult market phases where bond and equity markets are volatile, private equity can help to reduce fluctuations and generate stabilizing income separately from the capital market.
You can invest in non-listed companies either directly or indirectly via broadly diversified private equity funds. While direct investments require very high minimum investments, private equity funds can usually be subscribed for with comparatively lower investment amounts and offer significantly more risk diversification.
Depending on the investor’s risk/return profile and the amount of liquid assets, the share of private equity in the overall portfolio could vary. However, private equity investments are often illiquid, non-transparent, volatile and difficult to predict. They therefore require specific expertise and a long-term investment horizon of at least ten years or more. We would be happy to explain the opportunities and risks of a private equity investment to you in a personal meeting and examine whether this strategy is suitable for you.
Real Estate
Or are you thinking more of investing in real estate? With the support of ODDO BHF, you can invest in real estate, either directly in individual properties or indirectly through open or closed-ended real estate funds. In the case of direct investments, for example, apartment buildings, office buildings or commercial properties are acquired by one or a few investors. As a rule, large investment volumes and – for sufficient diversification – substantial total assets are required for this. ODDO BHF offers you real estate brokerage services.
In direct investments, for example, apartment buildings, office buildings or commercial properties are acquired by one or a few investors. As a rule, this requires high investment volumes and – for sufficient diversification – large total assets. ODDO BHF offers you real estate brokerage services. We use a search profile to record your requirements and, as soon as a suitable option is available, we put you in touch with the potential contractual partner. If you have already invested in real estate and intend to sell, we can connect you to potential buyers among our clientele discreetly and with no obligation. You can usually subscribe to shares in real estate funds with a comparatively small amount of money. The fund manager then invests the money according to a predefined strategy. Compared to direct investments, this solution allows for greater diversification, as real estate funds invest in a large number of properties. Are you interested in investing in real estate funds? If so, we would be happy to clarify the available options and your requirements with you in a personal meeting.