Our foundations

Our Commitment
to future generations

ODDO BHF Agir pour demain

Involve our employees and clients in the Group’s philanthropic initiatives

We firmly believe in the importance of collective commitment to support essential causes. Through our endowment fund ODDO BHF Agir pour demain, we bring together and coordinate philanthropic actions within the Group, actively involving our employees and clients in various philanthropic initiatives. Our initiatives focus on 3 major areas: humanitarian emergencies, medical research and education.

our partnership

Fondation Recherche Alzheimer

Since its creation 18 years ago, we have been actively involved with the Alzheimer Research Foundation. In 2024, we participated in the Alzheimer's Gala in Paris and Lyon with our clients.

Médecins Sans Frontières

Partners since 2014, we have strengthened our support through various initiatives. In 2023, an appeal for donations was launched internally, mobilizing employees and benefiting from a 100% contribution from the endowment fund to support MSF's efforts in Turkey and Syria after the devastating earthquake at the beginning of the year. In October, more than 110 customers and employees took part in the 20km of Paris race, organised for the benefit of the association.

Cours Ozanam

Since 2017, the endowment fund has been supporting the Frédéric Ozanam school. This non-contracted establishment, a member of the Espérance banlieues network, works in the northern districts of Marseille to offer quality education to children.


We have been supporting the Télémaque association since 2020, a partner committed to equal opportunities. Currently, 11 employees support middle and high school students as mentors, advising and guiding them in order to give them the confidence and resources necessary to carry out their projects.

ODDO BHF Stiftung

Develop and encourage social fantasy

Developing and promoting social fantasy: this is the mission of the German foundation ODDO BHF Stiftung. Created in 1999, the foundation acts as a promoter and generator of ideas. It wants to encourage and financially support projects that think outside the box and try to tackle specific problems and themes, old and new, with innovative ideas.


Do you have a philanthropic project?

We can help you at every stage of your project.