Our foundations
Our Commitment
to future generations
ODDO BHF Agir pour demain
Involve our employees and clients in the Group’s philanthropic initiatives
We firmly believe in the importance of collective commitment to support essential causes. Through our endowment fund ODDO BHF Agir pour demain, we bring together and coordinate philanthropic actions within the Group, actively involving our employees and clients in various philanthropic initiatives. Our initiatives focus on 3 major areas: humanitarian emergencies, medical research and education.
our partnership
ODDO BHF Stiftung
Develop and encourage social fantasy
Developing and promoting social fantasy: this is the mission of the German foundation ODDO BHF Stiftung. Created in 1999, the foundation acts as a promoter and generator of ideas. It wants to encourage and financially support projects that think outside the box and try to tackle specific problems and themes, old and new, with innovative ideas.
Do you have a philanthropic project?
We can help you at every stage of your project.